Wheel Throwing: Common Mistakes

“Oops! Did I do that?” – An exploration of common mistakes made in the art of wheel throwing. Join us on a journey of learning and laughter as we uncover the pitfalls that even the most experienced potters can fall into.

Combining Thrown & Handbuilt Pieces

Throwing and handbuilding are two distinct methods of pottery making. However, combining them can result in unique and beautiful pieces. By using both techniques, you can play with form, texture, and size to create something truly special. So toss aside your reservations and get ready to mix it up!

Pottery & Mindfulness: A Connection

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Throwing Lidded Jars: Techniques

Throwing lidded jars is an enjoyable and rewarding pottery technique that requires skill and patience. From centering the clay to creating a well-fitting lid, every step in the process is an opportunity to express your creativity and delight in the beauty of handmade ceramics. Whether you’re a seasoned potter or a beginner, throwing lidded jars is a fun and satisfying way to hone your skills and create beautiful, functional pieces that will be treasured for years to come.